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               The Trivandrum YMCA, the second oldest YMCA in India was founded in 1873 by Miss Mary Bourne of the Church of England, Zenana mission.  Initially the meetings were held in the chapel of the LMS. Rev. Samuel Matter of the London Missionary Society (LMS) was the first president and Mr. M Mathew was its first honorary secretary.  In 1894 it was affiliated to the Association of YMCAs of India, Burma and Ceylon which was the predecessor of National Council of YMCAs of India.

The Objectives of the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) are as follows:

1. To unite Young Men together for the development for their physical, social, intellectual and spiritual manhood, to inspire them with Christ's ideals of love and service.

2. To foster and develop programmes with a view to promote physical, mental, social and spiritual advancement of school children , college students, working youth, business and profession men, rural youth, under privileged and handicapped children and others.

3. To provide hostel facilities for students, working young men and others.

4. To provide accommodation for tourists from different parts of India and abroad and to provide them with boarding and other facilities.

5. To start and carry on rural development programmes such as the development of agriculture, dairy poultry, bee-keeping, small scale and cottage industries promotion of rural health and hygiene etc.

6. To establish and manage homes for accommodating and maintaining poor, orphan and or handicapped children and to educate and rehabilitate them.

7. To establish and manage homes for accommodating and maintaining week, old and destitute persons.

8. To carry on any programme which would improve the financial position and general welfare of the weaker sections of the society.

9. To organise and conduct meetings, lectures symposia etc. for the social, cultural, economic and spiritual progress of the members and others.

10. To take up and carry on such other charitable social and rural service programmes that the Board may decide, from time to time.

11. To secure funds for the purchase of land, erection of buildings and other expenditure necessary for the promotion of the objects of the Association, to make donations or to allow grants for any social charitable and cultural activities or purposes and also to pay affiliation or membership fees that the Board may decide from time to time

12. To form and organise YMCA branches in Trivandrum and to assist in their work and contribute to their funds.

13. To employ secretaries and such staff as my be required for the work of the Association.

To run schools, technical institutions, libraries and reading rooms and other educational programmes in the urban and rural areas.

15. To purchase, take on lease or hire or other wise acquire and hold and also to se,,, transfer or lease any movable and immovable property or any rights or privileges for the furtherance of the objects of the Association.

16. To construct, alter or keep in repair any buildings required or used by or for the Association.

17. To invest monies in such manner as my be decided from time to time.

18. To work in co-operation with any other society or association, body or institution having objects altogether or in part similar to those of the Association.

19. To borrow or raise money with or without interest upon banking account or other wise by the issue of bonds, promissory notes, debentures or securities, mortgages or other obligations on behalf of the Association.

20. To execute and register all deeds and documents necessary for any of the purposes aforesaid and to do all such acts and other things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects or any of them.





   Site Developed and Maintained by Koshy Mammen  
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